xbox series x specs that you must know
xbox series x specs that you must know. xbox series x is going to be the next-gen console from Microsoft & recently they have announced some key aspects and some details on xbox series x specs that you must know.
in terms of the details, Microsoft didn't share a lot of details and xbox series x specs with us but they said that the xbox series x is going to be available in the 4th quarter of 2020 and it will have powerful specs.
we've recently been treated to a whole host of new information on this next-gen console thanks to some leaks and the announcement of xbox series x by Microsoft.
the things we have learned about xbox series x are from machine learning, HDR implementation to help backward-compatibility which will surely play important roles in the coming days.
that's why we've compiled all the information's that were announced recently and the features have been confirmed we will get in the next-gen xbox series x in the 4th quarter of 2020
xbox series x specs :
the first details we have about xbox series x specifications and internal power's information that how will these upcoming next-gen xbox series x will perform in games.
we now know those xbox series x specs features 16 gigabytes gddr 6 memory, a custom 1 terabyte solid-state drive, the xbox series x also has a 4k Ultra HD Blu-ray drive.
we have information that xbox series x will allow you to will to run certain games at 4k resolutions and 120 FPS to top it all off you'll also be able to easily expand the storage thanks to 1 terabyte expandable storage cards to increase xbox series x.
it is safe to say that this xbox series x is true quite a step up from the Xbox One X in terms of xbox series x specifications let alone the base Xbox One console that was Microsoft's last-generation flagship console.
in fact, with the information we have on xbox series x specifications right now we safely can say that xbox series x are at least twice as powerful as the xbox one x.
xbox series x price :
we've now got a lot of info on the upcoming xbox series x but there are two big things we still don't know about the upcoming next-gen console xbox series x which are the xbox series x price.
the next-gen xbox series x console comes across as a successor of sorts to Xbox one x which is a console that launched at 450 pounds or 450 dollars which was almost 50 dollar ore than their counterparts sony PlayStation 4 which launched at 400 us dollar.
technology has evolved in the last three years since the xbox one x was launched but xbox series x is offering so much in terms of features that we thing matching xbox one x price as the xbox series x price will be quite a challenge.
we know that we should be seeing the xbox series x released in stores by the end of the year but when exactly and at what xbox series x price Microsoft charges is a secret that hopefully will be revealed over the summer.
Rundown of the information
although this is a quick summary of what fans can expect to see in the xbox series x in terms of xbox series x specs & some other pieces of information we have gotten recently.
we will likely be hearing more about xbox series x specs in the coming days and weeks suffice to say though we can expect something pretty powerful releasing later this year